Employer Representation
Since 1995, Chris Scherer has assisted employers with a full range of proactive measures to avoid legal issues and, when necessary, with a vigorous defense in formal legal proceedings. In representing clients, Chris applies Benjamin Franklin’s maxim “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” aspiring to manifest Abraham Lincoln’s approach to the practice of law.
We are prepared to help with:
Advising on legal compliance with employment laws, including potential disciplinary or termination decisions
Drafting employment agreements
Drafting, advising on & litigating restrictive covenants
Drafting or revising employee handbooks and policies
Guidance on investigations and appropriate documentation
Drafting severance agreements and releases
Compliance training for managers and employees
Representation before administrative agencies such as:
Department of Labor
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
National Labor Relations Board
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Texas Workforce Commission